The High School Marching Band and Flags have had a jam-packed start to the school year! They’ve performed at two home football games and a parade at the Clay County Fair. They are just getting started! They can’t wait to perform for you again at the next football game! Come out and support your High School Marching Band and Flags!
Friday morning was full of energy! Thank you to the Volleyball Team for joining us for High Five Friday!
Here are the activities for this week. Make it another great week, Hawks!
The 7th and 8th graders were able to get outside yesterday with O'brien County naturalist, Lindsey Kleinhesselink, to capture, tag, and release monarch butterflies. Every class was able to capture monarchs as they are currently on their migratory path.
This Saturday the Cyclones play the Hawkeyes! HMS Elementary will have its annual Cy-Hawk Day this Friday the 6th of September! Students are encouraged to wear their Cyclone or Hawkeye gear to show their support for their favorite team. If you aren't a fan of either team, you are encouraged to wear HMS Hawks gear or another favorite team's apparel.
HMS Elementary is looking for parent volunteers to assist with Picture Day on Tuesday, September 17th. If you are interested and willing to help out, please contact Mrs. Benz at
Thank you!
Here are the activities for this week. Make it a great week, Hawks!
High Five Friday is back! Thank you to the football players who joined us this morning! Best of luck on your season and good luck tonight!
We Are Hiring!
Do you know of any individuals looking to join an excellent school district? If so, send them our way! The HMS Community School District is seeking qualified, caring, and motivated individuals to join our team. All positions are open until filled.
For more information, please visit the HMS district employment page at:
Questions regarding this position can be directed to any building principal or Mr. Carlin.
The Homecoming Shirt store is currently open. The store closes soon, so get your orders in!
Orders close Monday, September 2 @ 10:00 am!
Best of luck to all of our Fall athletes and activity participants! Check out the link below for the activities calendar so you can cheer on our Hawks!
Student breakfast is FREE this year!
HMS CSD will again cover the cost of student breakfast for the 2024-2025 school year!
Welcome, Ms. Kendra Rozeboom to the Hawk Family!
Mark your calendars! Picture day is right around the corner.
We Are Hiring!
Do you know of any individuals looking to join an excellent school district? If so, send them our way! The HMS Community School District is seeking qualified, caring, and motivated individuals to join our team. All positions are open until filled. For more information, please visit the HMS district employment page at:
Questions regarding this position can be directed to any building principal or Mr. Carlin.
Welcome, Mrs. Haley Bonin to the Hawk Family!
Welcome, Ms. Olivia Grooters to the Hawk Family!
We need you to save the day! HMS CSD is looking for substitutes for teachers, associates, and bus drivers for the 2024-2025 school year. If you are interested, please reach out to Mr. Carlin or any building principal.
Welcome, Mr. Jeremiah Delzer to the Hawk Family!
Welcome, Rachel Doerksen to the Hawk Family!